How To Find Your Soulmate When You’re Serious About Finding A Life Partner

Soulmate relationships are created between two people who choose each other over and over again because they realize they’re better together than apart. If you’re curious how to find your soulmate, you can’t leave your love life to chance.

There are rare couples who met and fell in love with their high school or college sweetheart and from the outside it looks like their relationship is effortless. It can lead you to believe that some people are just lucky in love. If you’re struggling to find lasting love you can lose hope that this can ever happen for you.

Don’t lose hope! Your curiosity about how to find your soulmate will lead you on a journey of self-discovery that will transform your life in ways you can’t imagine. Creating a change in your life begins with one step: The decision that you want things to be different.

Soulmate love can feel magical, but it doesn’t just happen by magic. If you’re serious about finding a life partner, then first commit to doing things differently and be open to discovering parts of yourself you didn’t know existed. Use these steps as a guide and you’ll discover how quickly your love life can blossom and bear fruit.

How To Find Your Soulmate In 7 Steps (When You’re Serious About Finding A Life Partner):

  1. Release Your Limiting Beliefs About Love

Your beliefs about love motivate the actions you take. If you believe that love is hard, then you’ll pull back at the first difficulty. Your limiting beliefs about love define your search for love. Whether you believe love is hard or that you have to be lucky to find your soulmate, then your experiences will reflect your beliefs.

Want to know how to find your soulmate? Examine your limiting beliefs and challenge their validity. Identify your mental/emotional patterns and you’ll discover that you are the common denominator in all your relationships. Stretching outside your comfort zone will adjust your behavior and bring it into alignment with the results you want. Release all that no longer serves you.

Do you believe that the only way to get love is to sacrifice what you want and defer to your partner? That you must let go of your independence and freedom to be in a relationship?

Maybe you think that if you work hard to prove that you are worth loving, eventually, your partner will reward you with the love you desire.

Or perhaps you have a belief that you aren’t worth loving, and therefore only find yourself in relationships with unavailable partners.

These limiting beliefs aren’t the truth. The truth is that you’re inherently lovable and are deserving of love exactly as you are, right now, today! You don’t have to prove it, earn it, or protect yourself from people who will take advantage of you. You only have to believe that you are worth loving.

If you don’t believe you deserve love then you must first work on loving yourself. If you don’t, your fears and insecurities will convince you that lasting love is for other people but not for you.

Dig out your false and limiting beliefs and take actions that back up the fact that you are worth loving.

You may have made some mistakes with past partners. Maybe you were betrayed and it was heartbreaking. You’ve probably had more than your fair share of heartache.

None of this means that you aren’t meant to have long-lasting love. What it means is that you’ve got to remove the beliefs that are blocking you.

It’s time for a love upgrade!

  1. Get In Touch With Your Inner Child

Part of upgrading your love software is getting back in touch with your inner child. You’ve probably abandoned that little girl or boy inside of you over the years. Your self-abandonment has caused your inner child to no longer trust you to take care of them.

This happens because of the conflict between what you needed to feel loved as a child, and how your parents were capable of giving you their love. You may have been raised by people who loved you dearly and yet weren’t capable of showing their love in the way you required.

This dichotomy between the way you were loved and the way you needed to be loved created a wound. As an adult, you have the opportunity to re-parent your inner child and heal these wounds.

The next step of how to find your soulmate is to take your inner child on a weekly date to create a new relationship with yourself. Inner Child Dates™ are one of the most powerful healing tools for reconnecting with yourself and bringing you back to a state of wholeness.

Set aside 2-3 hours a week and ask your inner child what would bring them joy. It’s your job as an adult to make sure that you have all the materials you need for your Inner Child Date. Let your inner child express themself without any judgment from you.

Be careful that you don’t cancel your Inner Child Dates because you could re-create the feeling of disappointment and abandonment that you felt as a child. These dates should be the most important thing on your calendar.

Curious how to find your soulmate? Heal your inner child through a weekly date with them. You can find a list of low-cost to no-cost inner child date ideas here.

  1. Practice Forgiveness

Part of being human is making mistakes, so you must be able to forgive yourself and others. If you’re still punishing yourself for past mistakes you’ll be blocked from finding your soulmate.

Want to know how to find your soulmate? Forgive the past but don’t forget the lessons of the past.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you excuse bad behavior. If you can’t forgive than the hurt you feel is like poison keeping you from having a blessed life. Forgiveness is for you (it’s never about the other person).

You do not have to allow people that hurt you back into your life in order to forgive them. Decide to become a better person despite the bad things that have happened to you.

Forgiveness is a way of giving yourself and others grace for being human. Only machines are perfect so accept the fact that because you’re human you aren’t perfect, and neither is the person who hurt you.

There’s a saying that hurt people hurt people. Forgiving the people who have hurt you allows you to release the energetic emotional attachment to that person and the event.

Once you can have compassion for those who hurt you, finding the Golden Nugget will give you the learning to set you free. Discover the meaning of these hurtful experiences. What was it meant to teach you? How can you grow from the experience?

Discovering the Golden Nugget will move you forward quickly towards your soulmate.

  1. Learn To Communicate Authentically

If you can’t ask for what you want you can’t expect to receive it. Your soulmate will not come with mind-reading powers or an intuitive understanding of what you need.

If you want to know how to find your soulmate, then you’ll need to learn to express your feelings and communicate authentically.

Your soulmate will love all the parts of you, but for you two to find each other you must show up authentically. Authentic communication requires you to share your feelings (even when you’re upset). You must ask for what you want, and take responsibility for your behavior.

If this sounds scary to you, it’s important to recognize that you may feel triggered by another person’s behavior — and that trigger belongs to you. Communicating authentically and taking responsibility for your triggers allows you to create a deep emotional connection with your soulmate.

This is how you find your soulmate, by showing up authentically and communicating your feelings and your needs. This way you end up in a relationship with a person who really understands you and gets you. It may always feel like a risk to be authentic, and that’s why you must practice it. You won’t suddenly become an excellent communicator when you meet “The One.”

  1. Create A Clear Vision

When it comes to love, most people are crystal clear on what they don’t want. They know they don’t want to be cheated on. They don’t want to be ghosted or treated with disrespect. They really don’t want to be lied to.

What you truly want is not the opposite of what you do not want.

To know how to find your soulmate, you must know exactly the kind of relationship you want. In order to manifest anything, you must get a clear picture of it in your mind, see it as if it’s happening already, and take the steps necessary to bring it to life.

If you’re focused on what you don’t want then you’ll continue to manifest what you don’t want. What you focus on g-r-o-w-s, so choose wisely.

Get clear on how your soulmate relationship will function. What’s the dynamic you desire between the two of you? How will you know that they love you? How will they treat you when you’re upset if you the two of you disagree?

When you create a clear picture of your soulmate relationship it will feel possible and/or probable that you can create it. If you can’t see it then you don’t know what steps to take to get there.

  1. Cultivate Discernment Through The Dating Process

Dating is seen as a necessary evil to meet your soulmate. Most people stop dating as soon as they meet someone they find attractive, have some similar interests, and jump into a committed relationship — this is Dating Backwards™.

The person you’ve met is a stranger. Never put your lovability in the hands of a stranger. And even worse, why give a stranger the benefit of the doubt?

Want to know how to find your soulmate? Slow down the dating process, use it as a tool to cultivate discernment, and don’t get physically intimate or go exclusive quickly.

Finding the strategies that help you create lasting love, and those that lead you down the path to heartbreak can only be found by dating a lot of different kinds of people and not going exclusive too fast.

Chemistry and compatibility are important in a relationship, but having shared values is the glue that holds your relationship together over time. Taking things slowly allows you to discover if you have shared values because talking will not reveal these things to you.

A person may say that family is important to them only to discover they don’t spend time with their family. You can’t have a conversation with hypotheticals to discover their values.

Values are discovered over time as you see and experience how they spend their resources. Where they put their energy, time, and money will reveal what’s important to them.

  1. Become The Type Of Person You Desire

Like attracts like, and water seeks its own level. These are all ways of saying that you must become the person you need to be to attract the type of person you desire. Ultimately you meet your soulmate on the path to your highest and best self.

If you want to know how to find your soulmate, then first become the kind of person you seek. Love yourself. Treat yourself with compassion and kindness, and most importantly forgive yourself when you make mistakes.

You don’t get love from another person; you share love with another person. It’s the love you have for yourself that you see reflected back to you in your beloved’s eyes.

Lasting love isn’t about being perfect or doing things perfectly. You’ll never be perfect, but you will be the perfect match for someone.

Follow these 7 steps and you’ll find that the journey to your soulmate is the most rewarding journey you will ever make.

Or you can keep using the same strategies you’ve been using… only to be disappointed again and again. Why would you want to do that? Break the patterns that have become blocks to the lasting love.

If you want to manifest your soulmate relationship in the new year join us to Create Your Vision For Love! Forget about resolutions, we’ll share our tried-and-true manifestation tools so you can get in the driver’s seat of your love life.

Click here and grab your seat for this Zoom workshop where you can ask us your specific questions throughout. Limited seating so register today!

About the authors

Love Coaches Orna and Matthew Walters

Orna and Matthew Walters are soulmate coaches and prolific writers about love. Finding love, keeping love, healing from heartbreak, bringing in your beloved and more. They have been published on MSN, Yahoo!, YourTango, Redbook, and have been featured guest experts on BRAVO’s THE MILLIONAIRE MATCHMAKER with Patti Stanger, and as guests with Esther Perel speaking about love and intimacy.

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