Not being able to keep your hands off each other can certainly leave you feeling breathless. Just the thought of seeing him again has those butterflies fluttering inside of you. But when you’re looking for a relationship that lasts, how can you know if the passion is good or not so good for the long-term prognosis? Are there dating red flags you can look for that let you know if he’s just feeling lust, not love?
Attraction and chemistry are important ingredients for lasting love. However, they are not the only ingredients that matter. There must be more between the two of you than a mutual turn-on for love to last. You can think of attraction like yeast in bread,
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Get Ready for Love
Afraid of Losing Yourself?
This week's question comes from Vicki:
"Hi Orna and Matthew,
I’ve been delving into so much of what you two share and I’m realizing so much about myself. The truth is I'm still afraid of losing myself in a relationship. How do I ensure that I won’t go back to that behavior again?"
Dear Vicki,
You’ve already taken the first step, which is to recognize this pattern of losing yourself in a relationship. How you show up in your relationships isn’t going to magically change one day, it’s a process. The good news is that identifying your negative patterns puts you in the driver's seat to make the changes you desire.
Digging deeper into the reasons you are
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Are You Depressed About Being Single For So Long?
Feeling blue about being single? When things haven’t gone your way in love it’s easy to get sorrowful, sad, and cynical. Longing for a meaningful connection with another human being is valid and honorable, however, when sorrow consumes your thoughts and daily activities it’s time to admit you are depressed about being single.
This longing can feel a lot like grief; like you’re missing someone who’s not in your life yet. And the most mundane experiences can trigger feelings of loss. Simple activities like going to the movies, out to dinner, biking, or going on a walk, can all feel like they lack something when you don’t have a special someone to share it with.
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How To Let Go Of Someone Who Hurt You & Move On With Your Life
Heartbreak sucks. Especially when the person you loved treated you badly on the way out. You want to move on. You want to know how to let go of someone who hurt you. But you feel stuck and you’re in pain.
Letting go of someone who hurt you takes time and doesn’t happen overnight. But if you take a conscious approach to letting go and moving on from a painful situation, you can heal your heart and create greater love than the one you lost. The silver lining is you’ll be more resilient from heartbreak through the process.
Your heart feels shattered because someone you love has betrayed your trust. Your head is spinning, constantly asking, “Why? Why would someone you
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Do Men Want What They Can’t Have?
This week's question comes from Paula:
“Hi Orna and Matthew,
Do men want what they can’t have?
Here's my pattern… every single time I allow myself to TRULY love a man and trust/become vulnerable/believe he loves me back – he leaves!
All different types of men, wildly variable circumstances and timelines, but each time I chose to love – they leave. Of course, the ones I don't care about I can't get rid of.
I just want to know, do men only want what they can't have?!?
Hello Paula,
The journey to lasting love can be filled with frustration, we truly feel your pain. Especially when you’re looking for Mr. Right and all you find are Mr. I
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How To Practice Gratitude No Matter Your Circumstances
With the USA celebrating Thanksgiving this week, the focus shifts to giving thanks for all that you have. Focusing on everything good in your life helps increase your feelings of peace and happiness, but you may struggle with how to practice gratitude. It may even be difficult for you to find something to be grateful for if you’re going through a difficult time.
No matter where you are in the world, we are living in an interesting time. The news cycle is obsessed with doom and gloom. There are always events and issues that can keep you outraged about something. In times of uncertainty, it is most important to remain grounded and centered within yourself, and practicing
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